
Saumu fasting? Islamic Center Japan

[Column | Senegal of life] that of the Muslim Ramadan how much ... Month of Ramadan and the Qur'an Month of Ramadan is a very important month in Islam. When Muhammad (Let there be blessings and peace upon him) had been muffled in a cave of Makkah near Hiller in the month of Ramadan, the first revelation of the Qur'an was sent down. Read, [creation made is one who, in your name of the Lord. From a blood clot, it was created a human being. ] Read, 'One who is your Lord, that hail the best of preciousness Takashi, by brush (to write) taught it was. Man in a personage that has been taught to become unknown. ] (Chapter Qur'an) Allah has said this in the Qur'an. Month of Ramadan what is the month in which the Qur'an was sent down as a clear proof of identification as the guidance of mankind, also leads (of right and wrong). So one of you guys, who are in this month the house, must Saumu during this month (Qur'an first chapters and sections) Is the word of Allah, the Qur'an is the most important Scripture of Islam, was sent down to the month of Ramadan.

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